At its plant in Arnsberg, TRILUX produces a daily total of 10,000 luminaires with an average lot size of 28. They also produce many custom products. This requires a high degree of flexibility in terms of production and a large number of manual production steps. To increase productivity while maintaining their exacting quality standards, the company decided to develop a digital worker guidance program. The most important requirements for the worker guidance system were that it meet with high acceptance among plant workers and that it be a robust solution capable of handling round-the-clock use. The high flexibility of the operation must also be reflected in the solution, meaning that the requirements of a range of departments must be harmonised.

OptiMa – Worker guidance
adesso worked with TRILUX to design a new worker guidance system that links the orders in SAP with the production equipment. The partners produced a rough sketch of the architecture over the course of a six-week needs assessment phase. The final draft was then implemented during an agile sprint. The results of this sprint were tested directly at a pilot workstation in the plant in order to generate immediate feedback.
The worker guidance system helps plant workers by providing them with information and assembly guides for each order. In addition, quality assurance measures are automatically validated and documented.
TRILUX GmbH & Co. KG is based in the city of Arnsberg in Germany’s Sauerland region. The company develops and produces electric lights and light fixtures and supplies its customers with lighting solutions. TRILUX is Germany’s market leader in the field of technical lighting.

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