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11.04.2024 By Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins on k8s Part 2: The application

Picture Kristóf Nyári

In the previous installation of this series, we discussed a wide variety of topics ranging from introducing Jenkins as one of the leading CI/CD tools, through the creation of a Kubernetes Cluster within the Google Cloud Platform all the way combining the two, and having a running copy of Jenkins inside our GKE Cluster.

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Mindennapi munkám során azt tapasztalom az ügyfeleinknél, hogy még mindig gyakran összekeverik a Fiori kifejezést a UI5-al. Általában az a mondat jön velem szembe, hogy „Nekünk minden alkalmazás Fiori, amit a Fiori Launchpad-ben látunk.” Ezt szeretném a blogbejegyzésemben letisztázni, hogy pontosan mi is a Fiori, mi tekinthető Fiori alkalmazásnak, mikor érdemes Fiori szakember segítségét kérni egy probléma megoldásához és hol vannak azok a pontok a rendszerben, amikor az SAP egy korábbi technológiát használ új köntösben.

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20.02.2024 By Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins on k8s Part 1: Setting up

Picture Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins is a venerable open-source automation server that has played a pivotal role in transforming the way teams build, test, and deploy their code. In this multipart blogpost series, I am going to present all aspects of using Jenkins.

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Software Development

11.01.2024 By Dominik Táskai

Leveraging Dagger for AWS CDK deployments

Picture Dominik Táskai

Dagger is a fairly new tool, which has already gained traction in the tech community as a promising replacement for your regular CI/CD pipelines. In this post we are going to take a look at how you can use Dagger to write your CI/CD pipeline as code and to deploy your AWS CDK stacks.

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Data-driven decision-making is evolving just as rapidly as its underlying technology. Organizations shifting to data-driven decision-making see data products pop up more and more. However, standardization is usually lacking initially, which makes consumer experience (internal business) uneven.

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Izgalmas napjait éli az SAP Business Technology Platform. Tekintve a 2023-as év legfontosabb SAP eseményeit, különösen a SAP TechEd 2023-at, olyan megoldásokat, újdonságokat láthattunk, melyek szorosan kapcsolódnak ezekhez a területekhez. Miért is olyan fontos ez?

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08.12.2023 By Kristóf Nyári

Making system design Q-uick with Amazon Q

Picture Kristóf Nyári

The 2023 AWS re:Invent gave developers, analysts, and business owners many innovations to consider. One of the new services included was the generative-AI based chat tool called Amazon Q.

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Software Development

The widely adopted and popular IaaC tool Terraform has recently got some new and exciting features in version 1.5 regarding importing resources. Explore the enhanced resource importing features, such as the new config-driven approach that simplifies the integration of existing resources into your Terraform codebase.

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16.11.2023 By Attila Papp

Amazon DataZone: A Brief Overview

Picture Attila Papp

AWS announced the General Availability (GA) of DataZone on October 4, 2023. DataZone is a data management service (essentially a managed data mesh) designed to streamline data management across various sources. This blog post will briefly examine its capabilities and what I learned when I evaluated it two weeks ago.

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