Automation, flexibility, speed and transparency are among the most critical factors in modern planning and management of product and production processes. IT solutions serve as the foundation for the transformation from traditional manufacturing facilities to smart factories.

Product and production processes
Custom systems to manage complexity
For many manufacturing companies, the topic of ‘intralogistics’ is an important internal field of activity that requires a certain amount of tinkering – with the management and coordination of internal transportation and stock movement, for example.
Often the planning and management of intralogistics tasks are coordinated using Excel spreadsheets, internal communications or simple add-ons to the warehouse management systems. However, this type of system doesn’t take into account changes in task priorities or individual additions to the list of products to be produced, for example.
Digital transformation is changing everything. But it is important that you see it as an opportunity rather than a burden. The advantages are obvious: You can lower your costs and minimise production downtimes, and you can monitor each of your processes in real time. In addition, thanks to your increased focus on service and optimising cooperation in customer and supplier relations, you can curate a positive customer experience.
adesso accompanies you on the path to your digital transformation and helps you to meet the needs of your individual business. The adesso Industry 4.0 maturity assessment toolbox is also there to help you on your journey. And last but not least, a digitalisation strategy should be based on more than management decisions or variations in production processes; it should also be tailored to the speed at which your company is able to move toward digitalisation.
Increased flexibility
By remaining flexible and adaptable, you can counteract the negative effects of globalisation, such as instability and insecurity in the business environment.
Here, taking advantage of opportunities to increase the flexibility of your production can be a strategic success factor when it comes to long-term business security and risk reduction. In addition, you can respond faster to opportunities on the market, for example by rapidly shifting products without compromising on quality.
With our intelligent operating and manufacturing processes based on business intelligence, business analytics, or artificial intelligence, we accompany you on the path to increased flexibility. You will be able to use the resulting information to help you make decisions, develop strategies, increase customer satisfaction and improve the performance of your business.
Analysis and product testing
The increase in product functions and complexity and the rising standards of original equipment manufacturers (OEM) present major challenges in the field of analysis and product testing today.
In order to calculate default probabilities, you have to be able to manage and analyse as many parameters as possible over a short period of time and even during long-term testing.
Take advantage of our cloud solutions, for example in connection with your own individualised IoT platform, to confront the current challenges associated with optimised analysis and product testing. We will help you lower your product testing costs, shorten the prototype phase and standardise the analysis and product testing processes.
Asset management
Take advantage of asset management to analyse relevant information and operational data to diagnose system and error statuses, develop specific items in accordance with predefined specifications or plan action sequences in the different areas of your organisation.
The implementation of expert systems in operational application areas has high strategic value, whether it’s in purchasing, production, sales or after-sales. This way, you have the opportunity to systematically bundle the existing experience and expertise of a particular department (knowledge management), distribute that information (knowledge multiplication) and utilise it in the right place at the right time.
adesso helps you build your expert systems by deploying business intelligence, business analytics and artificial intelligence solutions. In addition, the use of chatbots and augmented and virtual reality technologies provides you with a range of possible options for realising your individual asset management solution.
Operating models
Over the past few years, operating models such as production-as-a-service or pay-on-production concepts have become increasingly relevant and present opportunities for businesses to build long-term value-added partnerships with high potential for savings.
The potential for optimising productivity and cost efficiency numbers among the critical success factors related to the technical systems infrastructure of manufacturing companies. Some of the main benefits include opening new revenue streams and markets, concentrating your core business and achieving a competitive advantage.
We use Industrial Internet of Things concepts in conjunction with IoT platforms to develop your individual solution concept while realising your need for high availability. Process optimisation, data analyses and data combinations and correlations make it possible for you to plan the efficiency and availability of your production systems.
Quality management
Cooperative, interorganisational connections between manufacturing companies and suppliers, customers and even competitors are changing the standards for quality management systems.
That means that terms such as quality and quality management must be wholly redefined.
adesso understands how customer-related data affects the target values, processes, functional units and levels of hierarchy you wish to optimise. We help you transform customer-related value creation opportunities into financial assets using added-value services in the relevant areas, for example quality management and condition marketing, process and plant simulation, system integration or machine and plant programming.
Do you have any questions?
There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.