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Software Development

11.01.2024 By Dominik Táskai

Leveraging Dagger for AWS CDK deployments

Picture Dominik Táskai

Dagger is a fairly new tool, which has already gained traction in the tech community as a promising replacement for your regular CI/CD pipelines. In this post we are going to take a look at how you can use Dagger to write your CI/CD pipeline as code and to deploy your AWS CDK stacks.

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Software Development

The widely adopted and popular IaaC tool Terraform has recently got some new and exciting features in version 1.5 regarding importing resources. Explore the enhanced resource importing features, such as the new config-driven approach that simplifies the integration of existing resources into your Terraform codebase.

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Software Development

Even if you are a seasoned AWS CDK/CloudFormation veteran, it has most likely happened to you that you tried to work with a resource that was not yet available in CDK/CloudFormation (looking at you Lake Formation). Luckily if the resource and the accompanying operations are available through the AWS API then you are in good luck as AWS has a way to incorporate these API calls into your templates/code and bridge the gap created by the unavailability of some resources.

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Software Development

Blogomban egy rövid összefoglalót szeretnék nyújtani az alapvető különbségekről az S/4 Cloud (S4C) és On-Premise világ között ezúttal a nyomtatványokra vonatkozóan. Bízom benne, hogy az alábbi pontok bemutatása révén írásom kapaszkodóként is tud szolgálni a témában érdekelt olvasóknak.

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