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Organisations and individuals face the challenge of effectively directing their energy and attention in a world of constant change and uncertainty. The Circle of Influence is a concept that can help you to focus on the things you can really influence, thereby increasing your effectiveness and satisfaction. I explain what this concept is all about in my blog post.

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11.04.2024 By Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins on k8s Part 2: The application

Picture Kristóf Nyári

In the previous installation of this series, we discussed a wide variety of topics ranging from introducing Jenkins as one of the leading CI/CD tools, through the creation of a Kubernetes Cluster within the Google Cloud Platform all the way combining the two, and having a running copy of Jenkins inside our GKE Cluster.

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20.02.2024 By Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins on k8s Part 1: Setting up

Picture Kristóf Nyári

Jenkins is a venerable open-source automation server that has played a pivotal role in transforming the way teams build, test, and deploy their code. In this multipart blogpost series, I am going to present all aspects of using Jenkins.

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Data-driven decision-making is evolving just as rapidly as its underlying technology. Organizations shifting to data-driven decision-making see data products pop up more and more. However, standardization is usually lacking initially, which makes consumer experience (internal business) uneven.

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Izgalmas napjait éli az SAP Business Technology Platform. Tekintve a 2023-as év legfontosabb SAP eseményeit, különösen a SAP TechEd 2023-at, olyan megoldásokat, újdonságokat láthattunk, melyek szorosan kapcsolódnak ezekhez a területekhez. Miért is olyan fontos ez?

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08.12.2023 By Kristóf Nyári

Making system design Q-uick with Amazon Q

Picture Kristóf Nyári

The 2023 AWS re:Invent gave developers, analysts, and business owners many innovations to consider. One of the new services included was the generative-AI based chat tool called Amazon Q.

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16.11.2023 By Attila Papp

Amazon DataZone: A Brief Overview

Picture Attila Papp

AWS announced the General Availability (GA) of DataZone on October 4, 2023. DataZone is a data management service (essentially a managed data mesh) designed to streamline data management across various sources. This blog post will briefly examine its capabilities and what I learned when I evaluated it two weeks ago.

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05.10.2023 By Attila Papp

A minimal ETL pipeline with Athena

Picture Attila Papp

In this blog post, I present a solution that utilizes Athena's new Iceberg functionality for achieving such minimal ETL pipelines.

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28.09.2023 By Attila Papp

Reading Athena views in Glue ETL

Picture Attila Papp

This guide will walk you through the process of reading Athena views in Glue ETL using PySpark.

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