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26.07.2022 By Vanda Tóth

Felhőalapú számítástechnika I.

Picture Vanda Tóth

Napjaink üzleti és informatikai életében az egyik legdivatosabb kifejezése a „cloud”, „cloud computing”. De mit is takar valójában a kissé futurisztikusnak ható felhő alapú számítástechnika? Blogbejegyzésünkben erre a kérdésre adunk választ!

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Without a doubt, most companies with different pieces of information scattered around their organization would benefit from having a data lake. No wonder data lakes have been popping up at companies looking to improve their analytics further. In this blog post, we will explore what data lakes are, what’s the difference compared to data warehouses, and then take a detailed look at Lake formation. It is aimed at technical audiences who are new to Lake formation and want to understand its story conceptually.

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29.06.2022 By Peter Kiss

What is Gaia-X?

Picture Peter Kiss

Data driven operation and innovation is gaining space in every aspects of economy and private life of people. Big Data, Data Mining, Machine Learning or Artificial are terms, that are getting increasingly impossible to ignore in any businesses. Data-drivenness naturally involves technologies that build on a significant amount of data. The more powerful and/or more complicated statistical models we want to use, the more data we need to enable them to model reality in an acceptably precise, and the same time, sufficiently generalized manner.

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07.06.2022 By Kristóf Bencze

Machine Learning Operations in Apache Airflow

Picture Kristóf Bencze

In one of our projects, we helped a client optimise their customer experience processes by implementing machine learning models for classifying incoming customer service emails and a chatbot for 24/7 support. I explain how all the requirements were met and how machine learning was fine-tuned with the Airflow framework as part of this project in this blog post.

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24.05.2022 By András Magyar

Core Data Services - folytatás...

Picture András Magyar

A CDS blog folytatásában gyakorlati példákon keresztül mutatjuk be a CDS View létrehozását, "Cast Operation", Numerikus és String funkciók használatát. Továbbá lesz szó az Annotációkról, mely segítségével létrehozunk egy OData Service-t.

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09.05.2022 By András Magyar

Core Data Services

Picture András Magyar

Az SAP HANA fejlődése után az SAP-én belüli technológia gyorsan változik, így változások történtek az SAP üzleti alkalmazások fejlesztési módjában is. Az SAP HANA alkalmazásfejlesztési előnyeinek kihasználása érdekében az SAP új adatmodellező infrastruktúrát vezetett be Core Data Services néven.

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More than ever, companies need to take the networked customer seriously and cultivate the relationship with them accordingly on all channels. Those who do not follow suit will be seen in a negative light and lose market share. This makes the customer the pivotal point across all industries. In my blog post, I explain why disruptive technologies such as chatbots are the driving force here.

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We know that fast-moving IT trends often make for confusing buzzword bingo in the corporate world. In this blog post, I would like to explain to you why artificial intelligence (AI) being the latest trend does not really replace past trends such as IoT, but in fact supports them and why our current trends are actually already about a century old.

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Companies increase productivity in application development by using low-code platforms. Low-code is a visual development approach that allows users with varying levels of experience to create web and mobile applications using a graphical user interface. Non-technical developers (‘citizen developers’) are saved from having to write the code, while complicated infrastructure and installation tasks are abstracted for professional developers. Together, developers can create, evolve and publish applications in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take using traditional development methods.

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