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28.09.2023 By Attila Papp

Reading Athena views in Glue ETL

Picture Attila Papp

This guide will walk you through the process of reading Athena views in Glue ETL using PySpark.

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21.09.2023 By Kristóf Nyári

Enhancing SDLC Automation via GitHub Actions

Picture Kristóf Nyári

Efficiency and automation have emerged as the secrets to success in the constantly changing world of software development. The era of manual code deployments, time-consuming testing procedures, and monotonous development activities is quickly passing away. Instead, a new era is beginning, one that is propelled by strong tools and procedures that shorten the development lifecycle and enable developers to concentrate on what they do best—create excellent software.

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For those in the world of DevOps and IT, Terraform is a familiar tool that simplifies the process of deploying, modifying, and overseeing both on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure. Acting as an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) solution, Terraform lets us define the desired infrastructure we want using the human-readable HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). These configuration files can be easily shared, versioned, and reused, boosting team productivity.

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06.07.2023 By Lajos Máté Kiss

SAP Business ByDesign integráció - Második rész

Picture Lajos Máté Kiss

Ebben a második részben megmutatom, hogy az SAP Cloud Platform Integration Suite hogyan alkalmazható az SAP Business ByDesign rendszer kiegészítésére, segítségével hogyan integrálhatjuk meglévő vállalati környezetünkbe az SAP Business ByDesign rendszert.

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29.06.2023 By Lajos Máté Kiss

SAP Business ByDesign integráció - I. rész

Picture Lajos Máté Kiss

Az SAP Business ByDesign rendszer az SAP kis- és középvállalkozások számára fejlesztett, integrált, felhő alapú vállalatirányítási rendszere, mely alkalmas arra, hogy egy vállalat teljes üzleti tevékenységét működtesse.

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22.06.2023 By Attila Papp

Importance of ADRs in agile architecture

Picture Attila Papp

Maintaining clear and concise architecture documentation is essential for successful teams. In the past, waterfall-based approaches often struggled to keep pace with the rapid changes in software development; by finishing the main architecture plan, the decisions made might already be obsolete.

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